Flowfert N and Flowfert N + S

Molloy Ag: Manufacturing Excellence in Liquid Fertiliser

Molloy Ag is proud to be a manufacturing plant for Ravensdown, specializing in liquid fertiliser production since 2008. Our facility has the capacity to manufacture up to 75,000 liters per day, with additional storage for 210,000 liters.

We utilize a calibrated flow meter for dispatching products into our tankers, client-owned sprayers, or 1000L IBC shuttles. Our truck and trailer unit boasts a capacity of 26,500 liters, enabling efficient delivery to your farm's storage tanks. For smaller jobs, we also offer a 4,000-liter unit. Cartage rates are based on full unit loads and the distance traveled from our yard.

Among our products, Ravensdown Flowfert N is the most popular, featuring dissolved urea with 18% nitrogen content. We have also developed Ravensdown Flowfert N + S, which contains dissolved ammonium sulphate. With advance notice of your required quantities, we can customize nitrogen and sulphur mixes to meet your specific needs.

Balance N Rich

Molloy Ag: Your Trusted Consignment Store for Ballance Products

At Molloy Ag, we specialize in providing top-quality agricultural supplies through our partnership with Ballance. To place an order, simply contact your Ballance representative or your preferred farm supply company, and we will handle the delivery for you.

With a storage capacity of 120,000 liters, we ensure that we have sufficient stock on hand to fulfill your orders promptly.

Liquid N + Gibberellic Acid

Applied in the spring and autumn onto pasture to increase growth when soil temperatures are low. This can increase dry matter from 30% to 60% in the right conditions.

Flowfert N

+ Flowfert N + S

This is our liquid version of Ammo 31. Applied to sulphur deficient crops, pasture and winterfeed brassicas to improve overall plant health.

Liquid N + Giberellic Acid + Dimilin

For pasture, this mix provides Nitrogen, Growth Stimulator and Porina control, all in one. Timing is critical though so call us for further advice.

Liquid N + Magnesium Sulphate + Bio Marinus Fish Fertiliser + Insecticides

For all winter feed crops, this combination controls pests, eliminates the need for an additional fertiliser pass through crops and provides foliar nutrients.

Liquid N + Broadleaf Herbicides

Applied onto new or established pasture, this duo can provide essential early Nitrogen for the grass and control broadleaf weeds at the same time.


  • Product Manager

    David Mangin

    David joined Molloy Agriculture Limited in 2002 as an applicator and has progressed throughout the company to his current position as Product Manager. David is responsible for the manufacturing, sales and delivery of Ravensdown Flowfert Products, Ag Recovery operations as well as our Bateman servicing and parts department.

    027 480 2216


David Mangin Product manager

David Mangin

David Mangin joined Molloy Agriculture Limited in 2002 as an applicator and has progressed throughout the company to his current position as Product Manager. David is responsible for the manufacturing, sales and delivery of Flowfert Products, as well as coordinating our AgRecovery and Plasback operations.

027 480 2216

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